Powder, chronic pain and achieving your potential


That is exactly what I did at the end of my first day, last week, skiing in New Zealand!

I sustained a knee injury that had the potential to see me sitting on the sidelines for the rest of the trip, missing out on a potential five days to improve my very lacking skills.

And I would not recommend my actions and self-treatment to be followed in any way – always seek medical advice if available.

Of course, I never thought to consult the on mountain medics. I tried to get into the local doctor but no appointments available, even for an acute injury, so off to the pharmacy I went.

Brace, pain killers and a topical cream to apply, off I hobbled to ICE (ice, compress, elevate) and have a couple of wines to compensate for feeling so stupid and sorry for myself.

Sleep was difficult, walking was difficult, and sitting then standing was difficult.

Skiing not so much. My confidence was shattered and I was very cautious of other skiers as I was terrified I would fall and injure myself further. But ski for another four days I did and towards the end I felt quite elated with all that I had achieved given what could have played out.

So where am I going with this you may ask?

There are two types of pain.

Acute Pain (see above). It is designed to tell us that something is wrong and that we should take action, seek attention, find out what the issue is and deal with it.

And provided we take the advice the pain should start to ease and eventually disappear as we mend and heal.

Chronic Pain – this is pain that should have gone away but for whatever reason lingers on for months and for many – years.

I can’t even imagine what that must be like.

I am exhausted, sore and grumpy after one week because I cannot do what I normally do – sleep, going up and down steps, walking, going to the gym but I know that in a short time this will improve and life will go back to normal.

For those of you who suffer from chronic pain (including and not limited to old injuries, chronic fatigue, ME. Fibromyalgia etc)– life fundamentally changes and you find a “new normal”

Ongoing discomfort and pain, lack of mobility, reduced social interaction, impact on income earning potential and the list on how this impacts you just gets bigger by the year.

The pain is just not physical. There is a huge emotional toll as you try to cope with these changes and on those who care about us who are doing the best they can to be supportive!!

And of course, lets not forget the amount of chemicals and the myriad of treatments that you seek to try and rid yourself of this debilitating condition.

This is not the life you deserve. You deserve to be mobile, free from pain, to have the energy and desire to make the most of the life that you are here to live.

If you want this for yourself, and are ready to live your life to its fullest potential the best way you know how, then contact me for a safe and proven technique that will change you life

Email: wanda@pathstopositiviti.com
Phone: 0409 601 771
Link: pathstopositiviti.com/contact/

#OldPain2Go #DrainThatPain #PainElimination #LovingIntention

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