Depression is a complex condition with many symptoms and diagnoses.
You may feel, (or others will tell you) that you are just going through a bad patch, that you are moody, or to stop feeling sorry for yourself and to snap out of it!!!
But you will know, that no matter how much you want to, you just can’t shake this sense of hopelessness and helplessness.
Do you dwell on the past, constantly thinking about all the negative things that have happened in your life believing that you can’t possibly have a decent future because “things” are never going to change?
Are there times when you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and getting motivated to go to work or in fact do anything meaningful and productive?
What are you relationships like with friends, work colleagues, family? Are they suffering too because they don’t understand what is going on for you and don’t know how to help?
Understanding that life is not as it should be and having the courage to face your fear and seek help are major steps on the road to recovery.
For some, the most obvious route is to talk to your medical practitioner, have the diagnosis confirmed and begin a course of medication, which is considered to be an integral component in the management of depression, along with some form of therapy.
(N.B medication should not to be stopped or the regimen altered without medical consultation)
Remember, therapy can take on many forms, and it may be that you try different styles or a combination, until you find out what works best for you. There is no magic bullet!
Hypnotherapy is an effective therapy that works with you to overcome your depressive tendencies in a safe and non-judgemental environment, enabling you to become the person that you know you can be.
If you feel that this is the time to take action, make some real changes in your life and get back on your Paths to Positiviti,
then call 0409 601 771 or
The initial 30-minute consultation is obligation free. This is where we will determine what the issues are and how to best to structure a therapeutic plan to achieve your desired outcomes.